Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Conversation with Linda Evers

Linda is an attorney with Stevens & Lee. She operates in the area of energy law. She works on behalf of electric companies dealing with the companies’ financial funds. Linda grew up on the south side of Chicago in a town called Robins Illinois. She grew up with a catholic background she got her communications undergrad from Northwestern University. During her time at northwestern she went through a time where she was having a lot of fun and her grades dropped. This story she told was really encouraging because she got through this and pulled her grades up and got into Law school. Her first job she took was in Fort Wayne, Indiana, this time period in her life is when she really became a Christian and dedicated her life to God. She got saved at a church altar call because at that particular church she felt the urge from God to truly dedicate herself to him. She met her husband in school and through some strange circumstances they ended up back together about 3 years after they originally met. He husband is a music consultant with churches in the Reading area. While her husband helps churches with outreaches through his music ministry she is able to help out in the area of pro bono law through “Glad Services”. This organization helps out the community through different programs including working with berks county social services, counseling, and a health clinic.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Conversation with Jason Lamer

Got saved at a very young age in his family, Parents went through a very radical transformation in a weekend his parents went from living a life of sin to being born again and reading the bible. His father became a pastor and his mother became active in foster care. Jason can count up to sixty kids that were in his home during the foster care years. He believes that growing up in a foster home is one of the major reasons that he can minister to people in the way that he can today. His father went through some issues with the church while Jason was in high school, his father stuck to his morals and ended up losing his position. This became a dry spell for Jason, he went through a period where it was hard for him to stomach the way things in the church worked. Jason believes this moment was crucial for him though, he was able to work through his issues with God and the church and this allowed him to come to understand what his actual theology was. The first position that he took was in Uniontown PA, just a few months after he graduated from college. This church was very outreach oriented allowed him to grow in his ability to minister to people. In his time there he saw the church grow from 16 to just over 100 students. Now Jason is now a Youth Alive missionary to the PenDel district and is actively involved with the seven project, a program that takes the message of the Gospel in to Public school settings.