Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Convo with Pastor John Bowman

Pastor John Bowman,

He is from Dover, Delaware; his family was there because his Dad was based in Delaware at the air force base. Started at Calvary Assembly in Dover Delaware in 1990, he started attending as a person who had just became saved and was looking for a church that met his needs. From that day in 1990 he has never left the church. Got involved in working with the church by taking kids to a camp. 1994 he had an urging from God (which he didn’t know was God at the time) to right down and ambition to be a Children’s Pastor, about a year later he was asked to come on staff as the Children’s Leader and he has been the Pastor there since then. The church has the mindset to continue growing by reaching unchurched people. The motto he goes by for his Children’s ministry is “my business is kids so Kids are my business”. His Children’s group has about 3000 people on the roster, but children who are being brought to the church every Sunday ages 3-12 is about 500. They are reaching another 500 consistently on a weekly basis through their “G-team” which goes into the neighbor hood of the community. Recently they just gave one of their trucks from the “G-team” to a church from a different denomination so that the ministry could be spread. The “G-team” is not what he considers a Calvary ministry or a John Bowman ministry but a ministry for the community that goes beyond denomination.

He meets in different parts of the community on a different day of every week. One neighborhood asked him to leave over spreading the Gospel after 3 years, He spoke with the leader and offered that he would still go into the community to be with the Kids regardless. But after hearing his hear the supervisor told him to stay in the community because he was needed. Right now he is ministering predominately in lower class neighborhoods, but he would like spread into the upper class neighborhoods because those kids need Christ just as much as lower class Children. He’s working with Boys and Girls clubs and Family Crisis Therapists to effectively reach communities. The biggest one time donation given to the ministry was 10 grand

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